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Town Hall & Fiestas in San Miguel de Abona

Town Hall of San Miguel de Abona

The Town Hall in San Miguel de Abona is at, Ayuntamiento de San Miguel de Abona, Ctra. a los Abrigos, 30, 38620 San Miguel, Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Phone: +34 922 70 00 00. Website | Facebook | Twitter | Youtube.

The fiestas in honour of the town's patron, San Miguel Arcángel (St. Michael the Archangel), including the San Miguel de Abona Romería (Harvest Fair) are those of most importance in the district, where the calendar of celebrations include:
  • Semana Santa: Procesión Magna y Procesión del Silencio
  • Fiesta in El Frontón: First half of May
  • Corpus Christi: June
  • San Juan Bautista: 24 June
  • Ntra. Sra. Virgen del Carmen: 1st half of July in Guargacho
  • Sagrado Corazón de María: 1st half of August in Aldea Blanca
  • San Roque: 2nd half of August in San Roque 
  • San Miguel Arcángel: around 29 September
  • San Esteban: 2nd half of October in Las Zocas
  • Santa Cecilia: November 

Weather in San Miguel de Abona
Weather -

Tenerife Land of Eternal Christmas

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Santa's Having a Whale of a TimeSurfing SantaWaterski SantaCamel Rodeo Santa
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