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The most detailed English language website on the island ...
... the most detailed English language website on the island.

After more than 20 years, posts here will now only be occasional (see why) for big events such as Tenerife Carnaval, so please "Like" and follow our Facebook Page because that's where to see future updates.

About Secret Tenerife

You probably won't realise this - people often address me (quite rudely) as if they think I'm some sort of large company or corporation - but there has always been just one person behind this blog: just one of me keeping up with news and events in Spanish and translating all of the information, single-handedly, since 2004.

Well, now I've reached "pension age", it's time to retire from the, albeit self-imposed, pressure of keeping up. I'm also no longer well enough to manage the amount of work involved.

But I'm also aware that the site is still visited by hundreds and sometimes thousands of people daily. With carnival events, I'd go so far as to say that people rely on it to get dates and details in English, which I know are not produced this fully anywhere else. So, for now, I will keep the site online and continue to publish Tenerife Carnival Dates. Once it all becomes irrelevant and out of date, then the site will disappear.

However, while I've been content for it to remain a labour of love, I pay out of my own pocket to keep the site online and earn no income to cover it. So I'm asking for your help. Here are various ways that you can support Secret Tenerife:
  1. Book accommodation through my links. If you were looking for somewhere to stay on the island anyway, it won't cost you any more.
  2. Book an excursion. Again, if you were looking for activities anyway, it won't cost you any more if you book them through my links.
  3. Take a Free Walking Tour. Reviews look good. You're just asked to 'pay as you feel', which is like leaving a tip. Currently, they pay me a quid.
  4. Do your sub-tropical Christmas Shopping here. Excusive designs that are different and just bit of fun. They pay me a tiny percentage of the sale.
  5. Make a donation. No matter how small, it all helps cover the costs.
Other ways to help that will cost you nothing

Funds just don't allow me an advertising budget, so I really need your help to reach more people: Share posts on your own Facebook profile, Twitter, Pinterest or other social media. You can also email our articles to your friends. There are sharing buttons for all of these options below each post.
 and Follow our Facebook page, comment on, like and share our posts.