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Friday, 10 June 2022

Santa Cruz premieres a CD Tenerife Historic Route in the year of the club's centenary

Estadio Heliodoro Rodríguez López Photo: JUAN BLAS tenerife, CC BY-SA 4.0

Fans will be able to follow the route, with eight locations, with the support of downloadable maps on mobile phones from the official website. The mayor of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, José Manuel Bermúdez, and the president of CD Tenerife, Miguel Concepción, presented the Historic-Cultural Route, in the Plaza de la Paz, where a plaque that identifies it as one of the spaces in which the club's great successes were celebrated was unveiled. 

The event was also attended by deputy mayor Carlos Tarife and vice president of CD Tenerife and general secretary of its Foundation, Milagros Luis. The mayor pointed out that "the Plaza de la Paz in the 80s was the venue for promotions of Tenerife as well as participation in UEFA" and added "we have begun a historical tour of the emblematic sites where, on the occasion of the centenary, the connection between Santa Cruz and CD Tenerife had to be reflected”. “I appeal to all the fans to join in the support of CD Tenerife, to bring joy to the city and for the players to feel the support of the fans”, requested Bermúdez.

President of CD Tenerife, Miguel Concepción, highlighted that “We are in one of the preparatory acts of the centenary, in those historical points where the deeds that Tenerife has done throughout its history were celebrated. We hope that what is coming soon will be the finishing touch to this initiative”.

Next, Bermúdez and Concepción went to Calle Alfaro, where they unveiled a plaque that identifies the location of the soccer field where the team held its first matches, since its foundation in 1922. This venue, which was previously the headquarters of Tenerife Sporting Club, remained open until the inauguration, in 1925, of the old Stadium, where the Heliodoro Rodríguez stands today.

Fans interested in doing this route, starting from the old portico of the Herradura stand, can obtain a downloadable map from the CD Tenerife websiteDownload the route (PDF) The route consists of six other signposted points, where five of the club's headquarters have been and in the Plaza de España, the setting for the celebration of the last promotions to the First Division.

A route to locate spaces with history. The presentation of this initiative coincides with the commemoration of the centenary of the founding centenary of CD Tenerife (1922-2022) and aims to enhance the links that unite the entity with the municipality where it was born, where it has established its headquarters since then and where its matches take place. This relationship acquired greater prominence as of 1928, when the City Council authorized the use of the city's coat of arms as the emblem of CD Tenerife.

Hence, the plates installed next to the points that make up the Historical-Cultural Route carry the following as a common legend that translates to: “The Hon. City Council of Santa Cruz de Santiago de Tenerife, as a tribute to the Club Deportivo Tenerife, on the occasion of the commemoration of its founding Centenary (1922-2022)”, in addition to succinctly informing the reason why each location is marked.

The Historic-Cultural Route of CD Tenerife is made up as follows:

The Heliodoro Rodríguez López Stadium has been the scene of some 1,400 official commitments of Club Deportivo Tenerife in national competitions. It also hosted their European adventures in the 93/94 and 96/97 seasons. Juan Muñoz Pruneda, who was also president of the Club, José Enrique Marrero Regalado and Carlos Schwartz are the three architects to whom the Stadium owes its three configurations between 1925 and today.

Located in the vicinity of the Stadium, around its old fountain the promotion celebrations to Second Division A took place in 1983 and 1987. The most resounding triumphs of the two participations in the UEFA Cup were also celebrated, in the 1993-19 seasons 94 and 1996-1997.

2. Calle Alfaro, Ramón y Cajal

Before the first team opened the stadium built next to the San Sebastián road in 1925, the Tenerife game venue was located in this place, parallel to the Santos ravine. During the three years since the foundation of the club, in 1922, rivals such as Marítimo and Unión de Funchal, Real Vigo and Sevilla FC, as well as the best teams from the islands, passed through here.

On December 19, 1959, the inauguration of the blue and white headquarters took place, installed on the first floor of the old building that was located in this place. The existing balcony in the corner was characteristic, where the next match of the first team was announced. After its closure, in 1989, the offices were installed temporarily, until 1992, under the Tribune of the Stadium.

It was the last location that the club's headquarters had before the definitive transfer to the Stadium, carried out in 2014. Its opening in 1992 coincided with the transformation of the club into a public limited company and the sale of shares, which was a notable success. The queues of fans throughout the area are still remembered.

The first references to the installation of the club's offices in this location date back to 1941, in the midst of the post-war period. The uniqueness of the place lies in the fire that destroyed the entire building in the early hours of April 18, 1945. The entity lost all its documentary and photographic archives, trophies, pennants...

After occupying different buildings in the city, in streets such as San Juan Bautista, Imeldo Serís, Cruz Verde or Suárez Guerra, the club ended up establishing its headquarters in this place, between 1930 and 1936. Before the civil war paralyzed the sporting activity, the successful tour that pitted Tenerife against Barcelona and Atlético de Madrid on mainland lands was organized here.

In January 1947, the club opened its headquarters in this central location, on the upper floors of the Claverie jewellery store, after temporarily occupying, for a year and a half, a space ceded by the Masa Coral in its premises near the Plaza del Príncipe, as a result of the fire of April 1945. The stay in the Plaza de la Candelaria lasted until 1959, hosting all the steps that ended up giving rise to access to national competitions, with promotion to the Second Division in 1953.

CD Tenerife has been celebrating its great sporting successes in this location since 1989, when the Blue and Whites' fans received the heroes who sealed the second promotion to the First Division in Seville. Later, in 2001 and 2009, this area of ​​the capital hosted the popular celebrations that gave rise to the other two jumps to the big category, sealed in Leganés and Girona, respectively. Likewise, in 2013, with the last promotion to Second A, the Plaza de España was the venue for the celebration.