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Carnaval in Buenavista del Norte, Tenerife

Sardine effigy and "inconsolable" widows in Buenavista del Norte

Los Cristianos is not the only place holding it's carnaval this week. While the tiny hamlet of Teno Alto, in the municipality of Buenavista, held it's annual carnaval event, the Baile de la Piñata, last Saturday, February 24th, this week also there are carnaval events going on in the town of Buenavista del Norte.

There was a infant carnival festival on February 28th, in the town centre's municipal cine-theatre and there was a parade of kids in costume.

Slated as this year's novelty, on 2 Mar 2007, is an exhibition of "matar la culebra" in the Plaza de Los Remedios. We're intrigued. Translated literally, it means "to kill the snake", but betting that this "ancestral Canarian tradition with a marked Afro-Cuban origin" had nothing whatsoever to do with slimy serpents, we discover that this is a dance. After the snake has been done in (figuratively), from 8 p.m., are performances by a folklore group from La Laguna, a visiting group from El Golfo on the island of El Hierro and by murga group, Los que son son. The night will be finished off with dancing to local orchestra, La Caprichosa.

Earlier, the carnival's main parade took place in the main streets.

But, without doubt, says the press release, one of the most popular events of the carnaval in Buenavista del Norte, is the "Burial of the Sardine", this year on Saturday, March 3rd, from 8 p.m., from the Plaza de San Sebastián. The "inconsolable" widows will gather there to accompany the defunct sardine as the funeral retinue passes through the main streets of the town until it arrives in the central, Plaza de Los Remedios, where it will be cremated. R.I.P.

There's no age limit to enjoying carnival!