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Canarian Cowboys and Preposterous Pets

Canarian Cowboy

At Los Silos for their annual Fiestas for San Antonio Abad and Crafts Fair. 

Inside the former convent in Los Silos

Local pottery on display

A stall at the crafts fair in the square

The craft fair was held in the square, as well as inside the former convent.

Horse whispering

Goats with red ribbons

Sheep and a ram

Pigmy goat

Tweety-pie and his mates

Fanciers friends

At Los Silos were many horses, goats with red ribbons, sheep (and a ram upgrade), a fully-grown mini-goat, domestic canaries, rows upon rows of racing pigeons and, an ever increasing number and diversity of pets. At this fiesta, to which animals are brought to be blessed, or at least gawked at, there were far too many dogs to count and, besides, they seem rather boring and ordinary next to some of the more exotic and unusual specimens.

Reptilian chap on a lead

People brought rabbits in hutches on wheels. There were large reptiles on leads. Many people seemed to have a snake around their neck or wrist and, one young girl brought along a small basket of lettuce (with handle). This last, I discovered upon closer inspection, was not a salad, but a tiny little turtle or tortoise.

Being blessed in hopes of a good Christmas Dinner? 

Risking a serious lynching for my cheek though, the prize for "pet who most looked like owner" (or vice-versa), must surely go to this dear little wrinkled old lady, who had brought along her turkey, on a string tied round his leg. 

Handsome horse

Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de La Luz (Los Silos)

In traditional costumes

Fruit and vegetables locally grown