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Monday, 20 January 2020

Puerto de la Cruz Carnival 2020

Carnival International Puerto de la Cruz 2020

The theme of the International Carnival in Puerto de la Cruz 2020 is 'Musicals':
  • Friday 7 February - Inauguration of Carnival 2020
  • Sunday 9 February - Contest of Junior Murgas of the North
  • Monday 10 February - First Phase of the Murgas Contest
  • Tuesday 11 February - Second Phase of the Murgas Contest
  • Saturday 15 February - Grand Final of the Murgas Contest
  • Sunday 16 February - Gala Election to the Junior Throne
  • Thursday 20 February - Gala Election of the Carnival Queen
  • Saturday 22 February - Opening Parade
  • Sunday 23 February - Costume Contest and Daytime Carnival
  • Monday 24 February - Ritual of 'Matar a la Culebra
  • Tuesday 25 February - Rally of Vintage Cars
  • Wednesday 26 February - Burial of the Sardine
  • Thursday 27 February - Reception of the German Ambassador
  • Friday 28 February - Mascarita Ponte Tacón 
  • Saturday 29 February - Carnival Main Parade
Carnival closing party on Sunday 1 March.

Ritual "Matar a La Culebra"
Mataculebra is an ancient ritual that came to the islands at the end of the 19th Century with Canarian emigrants who returned from Cuba, the origin of which dates back to the African slaves of the Caribbean island, with music, dance and theatrical representation.

Exchange With the Carnival of Germany
The interchange between Tenerife and Düsseldorf began in 1972 with the help of key figures in the recent history of the city's tourism development, such as Horst Morgenbrod, Eduardo Lobenstein or Gregorio Etner. The idea was to promote Puerto de la Cruz and Tenerife in the Rhine-Westphalia region, one of the most prosperous in Germany.

Mascarita Ponte El Tacón
One of the icons of the Carnival of Puerto de la Cruz, where hundreds of daring participants compete, dressed as 'suggestive ladies', to reach the finish line in shoes with huge platforms, running through the cobbled streets of the town. 

Mascarita Ponte Tacón 2019