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Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Santa Cruz de Tenerife Carnival Queen 1995

Stage in the Plaza de España for Carnival 1995

The theme of carnival in Santa Cruz de Tenerife in 1995 was Las Mil y una Noches (One Thousand and One Nights) and above is the stage, the design of which was inspired by the film Aladdin and, as was customary then, erected in the capital's Plaza de España. This was the last time the galas took place in the open air, before they were transferred to the Centro de Ferias y Congresos (Fairs and Congress Centre), which opened the following year.

Carnival Queen in Santa Cruz de Tenerife in 1995, was 16 year old María Elena Luis Luis in a costume entitled, "Palabras Mágicas" (Magic Words), representing Páginas Amarillas (Yellow Pages) and designed by Marcos Marrero and María Díaz.

The jury included Seville designers Victorio & Lucchino and the comedian Pedro Ruiz, who acknowledged the difficulty in choosing the winner from among the 25 candidates. They held a celebratory cavalcade the same night, after which the carnival took to the streets for the following four days. The two videos below firstly show the spectacular opening of the gala, followed by the Queen's coronation.

In 1995, the court was made up as follows:

1995 Carnival Poster
  1. 1st Maid of Honour: Anabel Jorge González, with a costume entitled "En el centro del huracán" (In the centre of the hurricane), representing Peña Salamanca and designed by David Díaz Mendoza.
  2. 2nd Maid of Honour: Natacha Aguilar Méndez, with a costume entitled "Archangelos", representing Círculo de Amistad XII de Enero and designed by José Julio Rodríguez and Juan Fajardo.
  3. 3rd Maid of Honour: Ana Noelia Martín Medina, with a costume "Mares canarios" (Canarian Seas), representing Palmitos Park de Maspalomas and designed by Armando García.
  4. 4th Maid of Honour: Lidia López Sebastián, with a costume entitled "La luz de Kronos" (The light of Kronos), representing Almacenes El Kilo and designed by Justo Gutiérrez.