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Huesos de santo rellenos con yema (Saint's bones stuffed with egg yolk)

Huesos de santo rellenos con yema (Saint's bones stuffed with egg yolk)
Image: Tamorlan, CC BY 3.0

Saints Bones are a typically Spanish sweet, often served as a dessert for the celebration of the Day of the Dead and All Saints Day and, which will appear in shop windows and showcases of pastry shops in the market, as much as they do in houses. This exquisite and traditional sweet is made with almond paste (marzipan) as the main ingredient. They are white, elongated and cylindrical in shape. The bone is in the shape of a tube, similar to that of a real bone with its marrow, which is then filled with sweet egg yolk or syrup.


For the paste:
200 gr. raw ground almonds
100 gr. ground hazelnuts
200 gr. of icing sugar, anise and water.

For the sweet yolk:
100 gr. of sugar
4 yolks
500 ml. of water.


Start by preparing the paste: mix the ground almonds with the sugar. When well mixed add a tablespoon of water and another of anise. Knead the paste and add the hazelnuts. Knead well, form into a ball shape. Let it rest in the fridge, while we make the filling.

Place the water with the sugar in a saucepan. Beat the egg yolks in a bowl and gradually incorporate the syrup. Stir well and pour it back into the saucepan, place into a bain-marie so that it thickens without boiling. Allow it cool.

Take the paste out of the fridge and roll it out. Sprinkle with icing sugar and cut into squares. Roll the squares around a 1 cm stick (use the handle of a wooden spoon), bake for 3 minutes at maximum temperature. Allow to cool, then using an icing bag fill with the yolk.