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Saturday, 1 May 2021

Tenerife in May 2021

Decorated cross on 3 May in Puerto de la Cruz

May 2021 in Tenerife starts with a public holiday on Saturday 1 May 2021 for Fiesta del Trabajo (Workers’ Day). Then Sunday 2 May is Día de la Madre (Mother's Day), celebrated on the first Sunday in May, since 1965. 

May 3 Día de la Cruz (Festival of the Crosses), usually celebrated throughout the month in Santa Cruz, which also marks the founding of the city in 1494. 

Puerto de la Cruz celebrates the crosses in the May Festivities and the Plaza Reyes Católicos will host the VIII Insular Handicraft Fair from April 30

The City Council of Puerto de la Cruz is encouraging citizens so that this May they may participate in the festivities by visiting the decorated crosses in the municipality. The traditional decorating of the crosses is "one of the most striking and picturesque events in neighbourhoods and streets."

A tour of nine artistic crosses is prepared, made and designed by various groups in the municipality, which can be enjoyed in all the neighbourhoods. Likewise, the Department of Festivities, together with the artisan space of La Ranilla, will once again promote the exhibition of crosses made with recycled materials.

This year, the VIII Insular Handicraft Fair opened the Puerto de la Cruz May Festivities on April 30 in the Plaza de los Reyes Católicos (McDonalds). 

The big day of these festivities is May 3, that also celebrates the founding of the municipality, and will be marked through the reading of the Royal Certificate of Felipe IV - that entered into force on May 3, 1651 - and opened the door to the constitution of Puerto de la Cruz independently of La Orotava. 

VIII Feria Insular de Artesanía a partir del 30 de abril

Municipal holidays in May 2021 are: 
  • 3 May for Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Los Realejos 
  • 3 May Exaltation of the Holy Cross and Commemoration of the Founding of the City in Puerto de la Cruz
  • 3 May for the Festivity of the Día de la Cruz in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

The Escuderia Villa de Adeje have organised the 30th Rally Villa de Adeje, taking place on 14 & 15 May. Friday morning is reserved for the "Shakedown" as well as the "Qualification Section" on the Vera de Erques road (TF-465). The second day of racing will start at 08:30 a.m. on Saturday, with eight scheduled sections to arrive, at 18:30, at the Plaza de España in AdejeThere are 48 teams registered for this edition, and Guia de Isora Council reminds people that there will be road closures on the TF-463 and TF-465 on Friday. The rally is "without public" based on the situation decreed by the authorities. 

Sunday 30 May 2021 is Día de Canarias (Canaries Day), the anniversary of the first session of the Canary Islands' Parliament after the return of democracy in Spain, but this isn't a public holiday this year as it already falls on a Sunday.

The Town Hall of Santiago del Teide has presented the program of events for the celebration of Día de Canarias (Canary Islands Day), integrating a wide number of activities that begin this Friday, May 28 and run until Thursday, June 3.

The program begins Friday, May 28, at 10:00 am at the Museo del Pescador (Fisherman's Museum) in Puerto de Santiago, with the opening of the Exhibition "Vestimenta Tradicional" (Traditional Clothing).

On Saturday, May 29, the Auditorium of the Social Centre of Tamaimo will host, starting at 11:30 am, an educational talk [obviously, in Spanish] on "Aves Rapaces de Canarias" (Birds of Prey of the Canary Islands). From 7:00 p.m. the Chinyero Visitor Center will host a musical show "Mambisa".

On Sunday, May 30 - Día de Canarias (Canary Islands Day) - from 11:30 am in the Social Centre of Puerto de Santiago the show "Güicho canta y cuenta a la flora y fauna de Canarias" ... about the flora and fauna of the Canary Islands takes place; Although from 12:00 the video-poem commemorating the Day of the Canary Islands will be broadcast, through the council's social networks, and later the broadcast, starting at 4:00 p.m. of the Virtual Concert of the Folk Groups of the municipality and the Canarian Traditional Dance Workshops. Finally, at 6:00 p.m., the Canarias Day Concert will begin at the Arguayo Cultural Centre, with the Santiago del Teide Municipal Music Band.

Monday, May 31, anyone who wishes can register in advance to participate in the "Taller de Cocina Canaria en Familia" (Canarian Family Cooking Workshop), which will begin at 5:30 pm in the Social Centre of Tamaimo.

On Thursday, June 3, starting at 6:30 p.m., the Auditorium of the Social Centre of Tamaimo will host the theatrical poetry show "Cecilia: mujer, poesía y mundo" (Cecilia: woman, poetry and world).

The aforementioned program of events will include the exhibitions on the occasion of the commemoration of the Canary Islands Day, highlighting that, from May 28 to June 11, the Fisherman's Museum will host the “Exhibition of Traditional Costumes of the Island of Tenerife from the XVIII Century”; although from May 28 to June 3, you will be able to enjoy the Itinerant Exhibition "Juegos Canarios Tradicionales (Traditional Canarian Sports and Games) in the various squares and enclaves of the municipality.

Santiago del Teide presenta los actos de celebración del Día de Canarias 2021