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Sunday, 15 February 2015

Santa Cruz de Tenerife Carnival Queen 2015

Carnaval Queen in Santa Cruz de Tenerife in 2015, Adtemexi Cruz Hernández

Carnaval Queen in Santa Cruz de Tenerife in 2015 was Adtemexi Cruz Hernández, with "Aurea" (Golden), designed by Jorge González Santana and representing Fuente Alta bottled water and association 'Tu Santa Cruz'.

In 2015, the court was made up of:

  1. 1st Maid of Honour: Lucía González Ortega, with a costume entitled "Desde el cielo" (From heaven), designed by Antonio Santos Arteaga.
  2. 2nd Maid of Honour: Sonia Lechón Hernández, with "Resurgir" (Resurgence), designed by the Inmates of the Tenerife Penitentiary.
  3. 3rd Maid of Honour: Teresa Pitti Barquero, with a costume entitled "Always Forever", designed by Santi Castro.
  4. 4th Maid of Honour: Naomi Álvarez Fajardo, with "Enia, guardiana de una leyenda" (Enia, guardian of a legend), designed by Cavi-Lladó.

Not everyone is enthusiastic about carnaval, it seems, as comments on this report from Diario de Avisos reveal, calling it outdated and "Rubbish. Opium for the people. Mindless entertainment. Show maintained by corrupt politicians so that the people do not take care of other things. Media garbage."

The theme of the carnival in Santa Cruz de Tenerife in 2015 was "The Future". Almost 7000 spectators at the carnival queen gala enjoyed an overture that recreated planet Earth in the future and in which robots, dancers, galactic stilt walkers and beings from other planets paraded on stage. Several trapeze artists flew over the Recinto Ferial and a giant human figure moved among the spectators until it reached the stage, in the style of La Fura dels Baus. Everything was surrounded by the light and the images projected by the large LED screen of more than 50 meters wide that surrounded the stage. One of the most emotional moments of the gala took place when the Guinness record of 1987 was revived on stage. That year more than 200 thousand people had danced to the rhythm of the queen of salsa, Celia Cruz. The stage was filled with dancers from the carnival groups and the voices of six singers reviewed the hits of the Cuban artist.