Truchas de membrillo (Quince turnovers) |
If you've made Dulce de Membrillo (Quince Preserve) - we did and it's delicious - you'll already know it's good with Manchego cheese. It's also used as a filling for these Truchas de membrillo (Quince turnovers), so typical in the Canary Islands around Christmas. There are also Truchas de Batata (Sweet Potato Turnovers), as well as those filled with Cabello de ángel (Spanish Pumpkin Preserve).
Ready made pastry (your own or bought)
Homemade quince paste
Oil (if frying)
Sugar for dusting
Cut out circles of pastry, fill the pastry with a little quince paste, brush the edges with a little water to make them stick, fold over to make semi-circles and close the edges. Crimp them with a fork to make a good seal.
Fry the turnovers in a frying pan with plenty of hot oil. (Less typical, but if you prefer, you can bake them in the oven.) Remove to a plate lined with absorbent paper to remove excess oil. Dust with sugar. Watch them disappear!