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Tetas de Santa Águeda (Saint Agatha's Tits)

Tetas de Santa Águeda (Saint Agatha's Tits)

So, this week we've had Saint Anthony Buns and Saint Blaise Bread and now today, February 5, for Santa Águeda de Catania (Saint Agatha of Sicily), we get Tetas de Santa Águeda (Saint Agatha's Tits). She is also the patron saint of breast cancer patients, owing to the form of torture this virgin martyr underwent. These buns have also been somewhat more delicately described as Las Reliquias de Santa Águeda (Saint Agatha's Relics). 

Orange blossom water 
400g of flour
200g sugar
3 eggs
100g of oil
50 g of anise or rum
1/2 l of whipping cream 
dark chocolate
Glace cherries to decorate

Dissolve the yeast in warmed milk and mix with 50 g of flour. Make a ball and leave it in a bowl of hot water until the ball rises to the surface.

Put the rest of the flour in a food processor with the sugar, 2 eggs, the oil, the anise/rum and the orange blossom water: mix everything well. Add the yeast dough, and continue mixing. Once the dough is made, let it rest for a few minutes, covered or brushed with a little oil so that it does not form a crust.

Weigh pieces of the desired size (25 or 30 g is sufficient) bearing in mind that, after fermentation (proving), for 30 minutes, these will double in size. Roll the dough into a ball and place on an oven tray previously brushed with a little oil or butter.

Placed in a warm and humid place to prove, such as the oven at a maximum of 30-40ºC with a container with (hot) water inside so that the dough does not dry out and can rise well.

When the dough has doubled in size, brush with egg or milk (or a mixture of the two).

Bake at 220º C for 6 or 7 minutes.

Once cooled, open the middle with a serrated knife and fill with whipped cream.

For the decoration, each pastry shop does it in a different way, you can paint with apple jelly or hot apricot jam to give it shine and sprinkle with chocolate vermicelli. Or decorate with melted dark chocolate. Of course, these must be finished with glace cherries.