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Friday, 27 February 2009

Piñata Weekend in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

The Piñata provides the finale to the party

Shrove Tuesday is the climax of carnival frivolities in the strictly religious sense and the Burial of the Sardine on Ash Wednesday was once intended to denote the end of hedonistic festivities and the beginning of Lent, but Carnival in Santa Cruz de Tenerife doesn't stop then ... as the Piñata Weekend provides a fitting finale. Although the live music of Daytime Carnaval is what's being promoted most about the final weekend of carnival in Santa Cruz these days, there are other events.

Coso Infantil - Children's Carnaval Parade

One I highly recommend is the Coso Infantil (Children's Carnaval Parade). It's like the big parade, but with lots of added cuteness. This used to be held on the Saturday, but once the Daytime Carnival had become established, it was moved to the Friday afternoon (from about 6 pm) so kids could enjoy both. 

Sábado de Piñata - Carnaval de Día

Sábado de Piñata (Saturday), in Santa Cruz the most important Carnaval de Día (Daytime Carnaval) in the world will be taking place. That might be because it's the only designated daytime carnival in the world - we haven't checked - but nevertheless an afternoon full of spectacular shows can be expected in the Plazas del Príncipe, La Candelaria and on the Avenida Anaga. 

Concurso de coches antiguos - Classic Cars

On the Sunday morning, is a Gran Concurso en la Ciudad de Automóviles Antiguos (Gathering of Vintage Cars), which meets at the Parque García Sanabria (see map) from 10 a.m. Then at mid-day, these beautiful old cars, with occupants in period costume, make a circuit of the city, through the streets of Numancia, Pilar, Plaza del Príncipe, Villalba Hervás, La Marina, Avenidas de Anaga and Marítima, ending at the Club Náutico de Tenerife (see map).

There are end of carnival parties and usually a fireworks finale on the Sunday.