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Tenerife in August 2017

Guanche statue in Candelaria

The 15th August is a national public holiday for Asunción de la Virgen (Assumption). August is a month that's packed with fiestas and romerías, but the biggest is the Peregrinación a Candelaria (pilgrimage) and fiestas in Candelaria, which take place on the 14th and 15th of August. The most popular part is the Ceremony of the discovery of the Virgin of Candelaria, which takes place in the Plaza outside the Basilica on 14th August from about 7:30pm.

August fiesta dates for your diary:
  • 6th August: Fiestas Patronales in La Matanza de Acentejo.
  • 7th August: Romería in honour of Ntra. Sra. de La Esperanza in La Esperanza
  • 13th August: Bajada de las Hayas in honour of Ntra. Señora de La Esperanza in La Guancha.
  • 15th August:  Pilgrimage to the Basílica de Nrta. Señora de La Candelaria in Candelaria
  • 16th August: Romería de San Roque in Garachico.
  • 17th - 25th August: Fiestas de Santa Barbara in Icod de los Vinos.
  • 21st August: Fiestas of San Joaquín (Joachim) in Fasnia.
  • 24th August: Fiestas of San Bartolomé in Buenavista del Norte.
  •  24th August: Fiestas of San Bartolomé in Tejina, La Laguna - Fiesta de Los Corazones de Tejina (Hearts of Tejina) .
  • 26th August: Romería de San Agustín in Arafo (on the last Saturday).
  • 28th - 29th August: Fiestas of María Auxiliadora in Fasnia.
  • 30th August: Fiestas in honour of Nuestra Señora del Buen Viaje (Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage) in El Tanque.
Municipal Public Holidays in August:
  • 7 August: Festivity of Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza in El Rosario.
  • 7 August: Día de El Salvador in La Matanza de Acentejo.
  • 16 August: Festivity of San Roque in Garachico.
  • 21 August: Fiesta Patronal de San Joaquín in Fasnia.
  • 21 August: Monday of the Fiestas Patronales in La Guancha.
  • 24 August: Festivity of San Bartolomé in Buenavista del Norte.
  • 28 August: Festivity of San Bernardo in Arafo.
  • 28 August: Festivity of San Roque y San Agustín in Vialflor. 
  • 31 August: Festivity of Nuestra Señora de Buen Viaje in El Tanque