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Thursday, 13 February 2020

Senior Carnival Queen in Santa Cruz 2020

Senior Carnival Queen in Santa Cruz 2020

Senior Carnival Queen 2020, Consuelo Pérez Arbelo, was crowned last night at the Gala de la Elección Reina de los Mayores Santa Cruz 2020 held at The Tenerife International Fairs and Congress Centre. Her costume is entitled Sonora de Amor (Soundtrack of Love), designed by Alexis Santana and sponsored by the shopkeepers of the Zona Comercial Abierta de Santa Úrsula.

Her court is made up as follows:
  • First Matron of Honour: Concepción Hernández Expósito in a costume entitled Renacer (Reborn), designed by Williams Luis Alonso and representing the Town Hall of Santiago del Teide.
  • Second Matron of Honour: Josefa Herrero Hernández, with Gloria al Cielo (Glory to Heaven) designed by Alexis González and representing Floristería Maxiflor and Calzados Febles Tacoronte. 
  • Third Matron of Honour: Eulalia Yanes Sierra, with the design, Sempiterno (Everlasting) by Cristian Santana and representing San Miguel de Abona and Chinatown Shopping Center S.L.
  • Fourth Matron of Honour: Candelaria Pérez Domínguez with the design, En la flor de la vida (In the prime of life) by David Afonso, representing the Department of Tourism of Arona and Restaurante Las Cazuelitas de Feriche.
The awards were presented by mayor, Patricia HernándezAndrés Martín Casanova, of the Autonomous Organization of Parties and Recreational Activities and outgoing senior carnival queen, Antonia Garrido Francés. The remaining four candidates were: Candelaria Rodríguez HernándezCarmen Marina Ramos MesaMaría Cristina Santana González and Emma Sánchez Lojo.

VIDEOConsuelo Pérez Arbelo | Gala de la Elección de la Reina 2020