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Frangollo, a Canarian Dessert

Frangollo, a Canarian Dessert

Frangollo is one of the Canarian desserts par excellence, more so on the island of Tenerife. Milk, cornmeal, lemon, eggs, sugar, butter, raisins, almonds and cinnamon are fundamental ingredients, although there are areas of the archipelago where it is made with water instead of milk and others ingredients such as matalaúva (anise), are added. Good any time, but with the flavours of the dried fruits and liqueur, this is perfect for the Christmas season.


200 gr. Frangollo (Cornmeal)
1 L. of whole milk
1 Cinnamon stick
Rind of a Lemon
30 gr. of butter
2 egg yolks
5 tablespoons of sugar
60 gr. of Raisins 
60 gr. Almond
Liqueur to taste (optional)
Honey, or better Miel de Palma (optional)


Marinate the raisins in liquor - like Ron Miel (honey rum) - or water until you need them. Peel the almonds, roast them in the oven until they are golden brown, then grind them. Put the milk in a pan with the cinnamon stick and the lemon peel and heat until it starts to boil. Remove the cinnamon stick and the lemon and add the Frangollo (cornmeal) and stir vigorously so that there are no lumps. 

Add the butter and sugar and stir until it starts to boil again, once it has boiled, lower the heat to a minimum. Leave it until it forms like a thick cream (approx. 25-30 min), stirring from time to time to avoid sticking. Remove from the heat, allow to cool slightly, add the two egg yolks and beat quickly so that they do not scramble. Strain raisins to remove excess water or liquor and add them along with the ground almonds. Stir well and serve in individual bowls, with a little honey or Miel de Palma, although it is optional. It can be eaten either hot and cold.