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Santa Cruz de Tenerife Carnival Queen 1989

Carnival Queen in 1989, María Remedios Ramos Díaz

1989 Carnival Poster
Carnival Queen in 1989 was María Remedios Ramos Díaz, with a costume entitled, ‘Chicharro carnavalero’ (approximately, a carnival going sardine - although if we were being pedants, a chicharro is an atlantic horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus)), designed by José Julio Rodríguez and sponsored by CC Maya (a former shopping centre in the Tenerife capital).

The theme in 1989 was "Millennial Egypt" and this was the first year the staging for the contests and galas was erected in the Plaza de España. It was decorated with two large sphinxes and an Egyptian-style palace gate.

Summary of Carnival in 1989 in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

In 1989, the court was made up as follows:

  1. 1st Maid of Honour: Ana Reverón Hernández, with a costume entitled "Éxtasis" (Ecstasy), representing Casino Taoro and designed by Marcos Marrero.
  2. 2nd Maid of Honour: Ana María Fajardo González, with a costume entitled "Recuerdos de una santiguadora canaria" (Memories of a Canarian saint), representing Rondallas del Carnaval and designed by Justo Gutiérrez.
  3. 3rd Maid of Honour: Candelaria Rodríguez Siverio, with "Bahía de Santa Cruz" (Santa Cruz Bay), representing Almacenes El Kilo and designed by Leo Martínez.
  4. 4th Maid of Honour: María Dolores Fernández Rodríguez, with "Andrógena" (Androgen), representing Galerías Preciados and designed by Leo Martínez.