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Hurricane-force winds in Tenerife caused several deaths and heavy losses in 1953

Aerial view of the Parish of Our Lady of the Conception of La Orotava
Museo de Arte Sacro El Tesoro de la Concepción, CC BY-SA 4.0

On 15 January 1953 there was a storm with heavy rain and high winds in Tenerife. Hurricane-force winds hit the island and caused considerable damage in the east of the island, specifically in Guimar where the gale attacked with the greatest force. Entire farms were razed by the storm in La Orotava, causing losses of one billion pesetas. In Perdoma (La Orotava) an old woman lost her life and also her little granddaughter. In the parish church there were damages, in the Concepción and in other temples and buildings, and in many houses their windows and doors were damaged. Entire trees were uprooted falling on the roads, especially in the north of the island. In the south of Tenerife, the motorised sailing boat “Breñusca” sank near Las Galletas beach with a loss of six lives

Efemérides meteorológicas en Canarias del siglo XX y XXI