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Arroz Marinero (Sailor's Rice)

Paella (Stock image)

Today, 19 March is Día del Padre (Father's Day) in many Spanish-speaking countries and La Laguna Ahora offer us this recipe for Arroz Marinero (Sailor's Rice). Whilst this could have been deemed suitable for the occasion because so many dads' hobby is fishing, maybe it's really because it contains beer.

This paella is very popular, especially when a large number of people gather. If you want to make a smaller amount, reduce the ingredients proportionally.


1 kilo of rice
½ kilo of seafood to taste
1 kilo of onions
2 heads of garlic
1 red pepper
1 green pepper
2 strands of saffron
2 beers
1 glass of white wine


  • Cook the seafood, reserving the water. 
  • Fry the onions, garlic, red and green peppers (all chopped), plus a little parsley, oregano and thyme and saffron. 
  • Add the beers and the white wine and bring to boil, then incorporate the seafood. 
  • Add the rice with water (for each kilo of rice, 2 litres of water in which the seafood was cooked) and leave it to simmer until it is dry on the surface of the rice, but still moist beneath. 
  • Let it rest covered with aluminium foil.