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The rhythm of the comparsas continues in Santa Cruz despite the calima

Comparsa Los Cariocas at the Rhythm & Harmony Saturday 22 February 2020

Comparsa Los Cariocas won the first prize in the Rhythm and Harmony contest held in the capital of Tenerife last night. In addition, the formation from Valleseco also obtained, unanimously, the award for best standard. In Interpretation, Los Joroperos were second and Tropicana, third. Bahía Bahitiare were highly commended. The contest was the last carnival event that went ahead yesterday, before the rest of the night's activities were cancelled from midnight, for safety, due to the high winds. Large screens, sound and light equipment, etc., had to be removed from staging. The winds also prevented the Carnival Queen and her court from taking part in the Rhythm & Harmony event, as their large costumes would have been so much more vulnerable.

The Canaries registered winds of up to 160 kmph during the night at Izaña on Mount Teide and as much as 95 kmph at the Tenerife Sur Airport. Reina Sofía and Los Rodeos airports, in the south and north of Tenerife, respectively, are not accepting flights from outside the islands due to the lack of visibility caused by the calima, AENA sources reported Saturday. Tenerife North airport is operational for inter-island flights. National and international flights are able to leave Tenerife airports at the moment. Emergency services in the Canaries have attended close to 200 incidents due to the high winds. Most of the incidents are related to falling trees, awnings, billboards, pergolas, lamp posts and bins and container movement, among others. After a meeting at 7 am this morning with police and technical bods from the town hall, it has been decided to go on with the Daytime Carnival events planned for today in Santa Cruz, after staging is rebuild.

El ritmo de las comparsas hace frente a la calima