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Saturday, 18 December 2021

Flavours of a Canarian Christmas

An assortment of Christmas Sweet Delicacies

We feel a roundup of the Christmas recipes we've published over the years is called for although we're entirely unapologetic that they're almost exclusively sweet treats. They're impossible to resist. In Spain, Christmas Eve is usually celebrated as a family, with dinner consisting of seafood (particularly langoustines), cured meats (especially ham and Iberian products) and some other dish that the family considers special and at the end of the meal they eat an array of sweets including truchas and turrón, drink and sing Christmas carols.

There are also the Secret Christmas Recipes of Tenerife NunsAlmendras Garrapiñadas (Candied Almonds), an indispensable part of every fiesta, but also popular at Christmas and Frangollo, a Canarian Dessert, which although not locally touted for Christmas has all of the flavours we associate with the season. For Los Reyes on 6th January, Roscón de Reyes (Crown of Kings)